Bundaberg event 2021
In February earlier this year, we delivered our first Bundaberg event!
The aim was to show students the different career opportunities engineering has to offer and the impact it can create to improve the lives of others.
Students spent the day learning about engineering, from the day-to-day lifestyle of an engineer to getting hands on experience designing water filters and constructing bionic hands. The day concluded with site tours at Greensills Farming, the Bundaberg Regional Council and Queensland University of Technology, for some practical experience.
Before the event, only 39 of the 89 students were considering a career in engineering. Afterwards, that number was 74, with females twice as likely to change their minds. Students were amazed by the breadth of engineering and were encouraged by the assortment of pathways available to them within engineering.
Having met with such a successful reception, plans are already underway for the Bundaberg event in 2022.